Monday, October 29, 2012

Keep Calm and Walk On

Before making our way into the holiday season, what better time to begin a daily exercise routine than now? You won't believe the benefits that a simple lunch-hour walk can have on your stress level and overall skin care, as well as various other aspects of your health.

It won't take much- just a half an hour out of your hectic day- to lower your stress levels and make yourself a happier you! Daily exercise such as walking can help relieve muscle tension and reduce the hormones that cause you the most stress, while also triggering the release of endorphins- a chemical in your brain that relives pain and stimulates relaxation. Plus, a break in your day will allow you to take a time away from the things that are stressing you out. Walk with friends, walk with music, or walk by yourself and feel the stress slip away.

Walking can also help boost your confidence by improving the appearance of your skin and its complexion. Walking increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, which includes the skin and any affected skin parts. This results in more toxins being removed from the skin from sweating, increased nutrients being received by the skin, a slowing the ageing process of the skin, and increasing the production of collagen to keep your skin tight and wrinkle-free.

There are many more benefits of walking on overall health including weight loss, reduction of heart disease and cancers, deflecting diabetes, etc. So why wait? Take advantage of the last few days of fall and start walking now! Your mind, your body, and your skin will thank you for it.

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